No Compression
Breast Cancer is the #1 cancer for women globally. For too long, women everywhere have had to suffer the pains of compressional mammography in order to catch breast cancer. Koning has built a game changing technology – the world’s first FDA PMS approved, non-compression Breast CT. Using cone beam technology, Koning’s device produces a True 3D image that detect cancers as small as 2 mm, at the same radiation dose as a mammogram. Our technology will evolutionize the $40B mammographic services market – and women can feel confident in their exams instead of going in with dread or skipping all together.
Why Koning Vera Breast CT?
- Addresses a significant, unmet medical need - there is less than 55% annual mammogram compliance in the US
- No-compression breast cancer scan - greatly improves patient comfort and compliance
- Higher clinical accuracy - sensitivity greater than 90%, detect cancers as small as 2 mm
- Regulatory clearance - FDA PMA approval, CFDA, CE Mark, SE Asia, ME approvals
- Strong ROI model - 6 approved dedicated CPT codes, major payors paying 2-4x mammography rates
- Effectively replaces multiple reimbursable procedures - mammography, MRI, stereotactic biopsy, Contrast enhancement, breast implant evaluation

Each Output of a Scan is a 3D Image
Koning Vera Breast CT is a revolutionary 3D breast imaging device that produces real 3D images of the breast. Koning Vera Breast CT provides exceptional spatial resolution, dramatically improving the way clinicians visualize and evaluate breast tissue while improving the patient exam experience.
Contrast Enhanced
Blood Vessels

The breast imaging industry is getting an upgrade with Koning's advanced computed tomography technology
We believe our Koning Vera Breast CT will dramatically improve the way clinicians visualize & evaluate breast tissue. Future versions of our technology are expected to optimize early disease detection, diagnosis, intervention & treatment in numerous areas of the body. Our hope is to be able to improve survival rates and outcomes for millions of patients. We believe that the power, versatility & lower cost of Koning Vera Breast CT will serve as a viable substitute for many traditional imaging applications.
Watch the Koning Breast Computed Tomography in action
Koning Vera Breast CT produces high-contrast real 3D images of the breast with exceptional spatial resolution.
No painful compression in a rapid 7-second exposure at radiation levels in the range of diagnostic mammogram.
No Painful
Low Dose
Radiation Levels
3D Images
What Experts Say about Koning
After seventy years there is finally a revolutionary true 3D low dose breast screening exam without painful compression - in just 7 seconds! The Breast CT exam provides complete coverage of the breast which is difficult to achieve with screening mammography.
- Dr. Kamilia Kozlowski, Founder & CEO, Medical Director Knoxville Comprehensive Breast Center
Koning Breast CT is a true 3D dimensional image of the breast. The detector is surrounding the woman’s breast, and so the cancers have no where to hide in the breast. there’s no way for over lapping tissue to be in the way from every angle
- Etta Pisano, MD
The focal spot size, the improved detector, as well as the exquisite spatial resolution allows me when I'm looking at these images, to see cancers that are 4mm or less in size
- Posy Seifert, DO Elizabeth Wende Breast Care